Oh my gosh! Of course, we pick the house that is a short sale and we have to deal with Countrywide. For those who have not been watching the news...Countrywide is being indicted on mortgage fraud. This is the bank that we are currently dealing with for our, soon to be, new house. Mike and I are stressing and it taking its toll. Now, we aren't sure how long it is going to take to buy this house. So, we have been stressing and discussing where we are going to live, where we are going to store all of our stuff, and when are we going to get his house.
There is so much to consider. We are most definitely homeless for a period of time. But we don't know whether that period of time is short, like a few weeks, or longer, like a few months. We have plenty of other obstacles. Such as Roxy, our dog. This limits our choices to rent because landlords don't usually like dogs, extended stay is going to be expensive if we stay longer than a few weeks, and my parents have never liked Roxy. We also have to take into consideration the fact that I am working on my masters, which is taking soo much time I may have a breakdown, kayla's crib is probably going to travel with us, and Mike works in Marina del Rey. To make matters worse, i don't know how much to pack and how much to take with us. If we are only staying at my parents for a few weeks, then no problem I can take a suitcase full of clothes and that's it. But if we're out more than a couple weeks, we can't possibly stay in their small house for longer than that. Now I have to consider taking Kayla's toys, and other supplies for eating and cleaning.
Needless to say, I am tired, stressed, and totally anxious over our living situation. When will it end! I just hope we are in our house, unpacked by the time school starts. Not only that, but I have to start planning for next year so I'm not as stressed out as I was this year.
All this plus trying to eat healthy and workout so I at least have the energy and stamina for all this summer has thrown at me. If I'm short and to the point with you, or I snap at you now you know why. I am going to need major me time at the end of the summer. I hope we'll have a chance to focus on ourselves for a few weeks.