Sunday, July 20, 2008

What's with this yogurt fad?!

I'm not a big dessert fan. I won't turn down a dessert if the occasion calls for it. But, I have always had a soft spot for frozen yogurt. I am always up to go to Golden Spoon and grab some vanilla yogurt with strawberry topping. Yum! And if I'm feeling really naughty, Dairy Queen Health Bar Blizzard.

But lately I've really been into this Yogurt War. Pinkberry, Red Mango, Yogurtland, Yogurtberry, Yogurt Factory, they have been popping up everywhere. I've only had the opportunity to have Pinkberry, but I must say, I do crave it every once in a while. Today I tasted our local imitation, Yogurt Factory, and it was ok. I was a little weary about the look of the toppings but it turned out pretty good. So far Pinkberry is at the top of my list, now I'll have to taste the others and report back. If you have any suggestions let me know.

1 comment:

Robin said...

hmmm....i've heard about these yogurt places. heard pinkberry is a korean-american woman who started it up. i'll have to check it out next time i'm there, i hear good things about pinkberry.