Sunday, June 22, 2008


I think it's safe to say that we have sold our house. We are past the 17 day no penalty part of escrow, so I think we are going are to move. We didn't get the price we wanted, but we sold within a week of being on the market and we have lived here for 4 years. I say that's pretty good in the market today.

I've started packing. You really don't know how much CRAP you have until you try to move. Oh my gosh, I've been packing for about two weeks, just boxes here and there, and we've probably gone through at least 40 boxes already! Now, those aren't all big boxes, but still 40 boxes! It's insane!

But, we're excited about the house we will hopefully buy. We found a wonderful house in Lakewood/Long Beach area. It has three beds and a den, two baths, a dining area, a decent backyard, and a two car garage. Not only that, but we'll have plenty of money to design the kitchen and baths the way WE want it. I am super super excited. Now its just a waiting game to talk with the bank because it's a short sale. What a process! But, for this house...I'm willing to wait. Wish us luck!


Eileen said...

Congrats!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!! =)

Robin said...

Ah! Cool! Saw your email on packing! :-) We'll catch up soon!

johnpvee said...
