Sunday, December 14, 2008

Its a Boy!

Friday we had our big ultrasound. We found out the baby is healthy and developing nicely. And its a boy! This completes our boy and one girl. But we have mixed feelings, happy we're having a boy and we get rid of Kayla's old clothes and girly toys. But a little sad because now the name debate must begin. When we were pregnant with Kayla, the name debate had already begun. Luckily for us, we found out we were having a girl, whose name we both had already agreed upon. Now, we're having a boy and Mike and I had different opinions as to the kind of name we wanted for our son.

The tradition in Mike's family is the first boy will have his father's first name as his middle name. Therefore Blank Michael Kanaly. Due to this, I knew we weren't going to get a Japanese name in unless it was a first name. So, I really wanted a first name that was different. Mike on the other hand wanted names like Nicholas, Patrick, Daniel,and Steven. I had to veto these names, I felt they were too boring and typical. Thus, I had to break open the baby name book and find names that I really liked and Mike might like. I came up with this list: Brady, Colby, Jackson, Parker, Riley, and Logan. Mike agreed on these names. So, you can bet the baby's name with be one on this list. Update provided at a later date.

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