Thursday, January 24, 2008


Have you ever been so tired that you fall asleep and wake up not knowing when or how you fell asleep? Of course you have! Well, this has been happening to me at least once a week, during the work week. I get home from work and feel tired. But right after dinner I am so exhausted that I can't stand up. I lie down, usually with Kayla, and I almost instantly fall asleep. Then, I wake up to Kayla crying because her favorite show is over, and I put her to sleep. The next thing I know I'm waking up at around 2am in the morning with my contacts still on my eyes. I can't believe how exhausting this year has been! I need to get more sleep. Hello end of the semester next week. Two minimum days, no students next Friday. Ah!


Eileen said...

o man...that was EVERY day this week and last. I was waking up at 1am with the lights still on, laptop in my lap, and tv blaring. I thought this year was supposed to be less stressful. hang on...almost there!

Robin said...

hehe...enjoy it! there have been nights where i've felt like i was awake the whole night...getting up to empty the bladder or turn over. i thought 1st trimester was bad, but at least i slept then!

G$ said...

holy crap... that's bad! i'm super exhausted lately, too... wish we could go back to h.s......