Sunday, August 17, 2008

I am so DONE!

It is all over. All the hard work this summer is finally over. Thursday was our last assignment and now I can officially say I am done with my Masters degree. No more research, no more writing papers, no more sitting in boring lectures. I am no longer a student. I can just be a Wife, Mom and Teacher and be happy.

Thank you to Eileen and Tabatha, without which I would never have kept my sanity.

Thank you Mom for doing everything you could to help lighten the load this summer.

Thank you Mike for the support.

Thank you Kayla for putting a smile on my face every day.

Now, to tackle the house.

1 comment:

G$ said...

CONGRATS, MUN!! i read this before and didnt have time to leave a comment. Proud of you!! =) Happy bday to Kayla soon ~~