Saturday, April 21, 2007

The shootings at Virginia Tech have shocked the nation. Even the kids are talking about it at school. We actually had a kid threaten to shoot people at another high school in the district. What is happening to our youth? I have to deal with kids who are apathetic, who have parents in jail, who don't care if they get suspended, who are on house arrest. I can't believe it! Am i so sheltered to think that it wasn't this bad when we were in high school? Of course there were people like this when we were in high school, but was it really this bad? And what can I do to protect kayla?! Do I have a student who could potentially be one of those students who would shoot up a school? Am I doing everything in my power for my students?

1 comment:

G$ said...

i know... good questions.. and as long as u ask them, u will be aware of them and will consciously and unconsciously address them. all you can do, really...