Sunday, May 27, 2007

So its Memorial Day Weekend and the last day of vacation before the year is over. Only three weeks left and the countdown has begun. 16 days till Seniors graduate and 19 days until I don't have to see any of the kids for three whole months. This year will be emotional for me because I've developed close relationships with the seniors this year. I wish them all the success in the world. But, then the dreaded Masters Program begins. Now don't get me wrong I'm excited to work for my Masters, but I feel like I haven't had a break in years. I can't wait until the day comes when I don't have to report to UCI for class. I am so glad Eileen is here to do this with me, because I don't know what I would do if she wasn't there. Only she can understand how hard its been and how burnt out I am. Its you and me Eileen!


Eileen said...

I so glad we got the classes we wanted. We totally got this! =)

johnpvee said...

haha it's so weird that you two are close buddies now. small world.