Now if you know anything about me, you know that I am the most accident prone person you may ever meet. Well, it was most apparent today when I was walking to my car from the classroom and I tripped. Now there are two possibilities to how I tripped. I either caught my heel in a crack in the concrete, or I caught my heel in the cuff of my pants. What ever the cause was, I tripped, fell on my elbow and fell right out of my shoes. I had too much in my hands so I fell forward right on my left elbow and have the nasty floor burn you see in the picture. What a dork! When I called My mom and Mike all I could do is laugh. Grrr...another scar!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Accident Prone
Now if you know anything about me, you know that I am the most accident prone person you may ever meet. Well, it was most apparent today when I was walking to my car from the classroom and I tripped. Now there are two possibilities to how I tripped. I either caught my heel in a crack in the concrete, or I caught my heel in the cuff of my pants. What ever the cause was, I tripped, fell on my elbow and fell right out of my shoes. I had too much in my hands so I fell forward right on my left elbow and have the nasty floor burn you see in the picture. What a dork! When I called My mom and Mike all I could do is laugh. Grrr...another scar!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
So its Memorial Day Weekend and the last day of vacation before the year is over. Only three weeks left and the countdown has begun. 16 days till Seniors graduate and 19 days until I don't have to see any of the kids for three whole months. This year will be emotional for me because I've developed close relationships with the seniors this year. I wish them all the success in the world. But, then the dreaded Masters Program begins. Now don't get me wrong I'm excited to work for my Masters, but I feel like I haven't had a break in years. I can't wait until the day comes when I don't have to report to UCI for class. I am so glad Eileen is here to do this with me, because I don't know what I would do if she wasn't there. Only she can understand how hard its been and how burnt out I am. Its you and me Eileen!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Kayla is SO Silly
Kayla is amazing. Now, of course I'm going to say that because I am her mom but she IS amazing. She will bring a smile to anyone's face. Her laugh is contagious! I have to work hard to take care of her and keep my sanity after a long day at work. But I she can cheer me up any day. Especially when I come home and runs to me with her arms open for a hug. I melts my heart and everything that happened during the day just fades away. In the first picture, kayla is wearing a Russian hat that Mike brought home from Kiev. She thought it was so funny that we all started cracking up. The second picture is Kayla with the string, that comes around the newspaper, around her and showing her personality. What a ball of energy!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Grandpa's Funeral
Today was my grandfather's funeral. I am so happy I went. My grandfather served in the army and thus had the "final salute". He had the American flag over the coffin and everything. I think I was more emotional from seeing my family that I have not seen in three years. My grandmother held me so tight I broke down a little. I was so happy to talk with her again and feel close to her that it was hard to hold back the tears. She asked me a bunch of questions and I could tell she wanted to hear more. Unfortunately my aunt was not as warm and friendly. I don't understand how someone can go from your best friend to someone who won't even give you the time of day. Well, everyone else was glad to see me and we'll be seeing them again on Sunday. I can't wait for Kayla to meet Grandma. I'm sure Kayla will be scared but she'll warm up to her. one understood you like Eric and I. No one will remember you like we will. Finally you are free from pain and sorrow. I hope you are looking down on me and smiling.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
The Challenge
A couple months ago I started letting myself go. I haven't been good about watching what I'm eating or exercising. I feel HORRIBLE. I've been pretty stressed lately so I'm going to chalk it up to stress and being too busy. But now that the school year is almost over and UCI is winding down, I've decided to take control of my waistline. And thus the challenge is set: Work with me to lose weight. I had worked really hard to lose all the baby weight but now I feel like I'm right back to that weight and I'm ready to do something about it. If anyone else is interested in being a support let me know. Email me: We'll work together to reach my goal of a size 4/6. That is my goal. I'm not going to put a weight on it because its not about weight its about how my clothes fit and how healthy I feel. Anybody willing to join me?
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Today Grandpa Died.
I just found out my Grandfather died this morning at 4:15am. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to see him before he died. Mike, Eric, and I went to see him when he was in the hospital. I'm not sure if he knew who we were or if he was happy to see us, but I got to hold his hand, he squeezed and would not let me go. I wish so many things could have been different. Good bye Grandpa, I love you. Good night.
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