For those of you who do not own a TV or have been in a monastery the past couple months...the iPhone came out today. Of course, being the tech geek that he is...Mike had to have one. So Wednesday afternoon, we drove around to see who would have it and how many units they would carry. One of the two places we went to already had a guy camping out. I was convinced Mike was not going to get a phone because he was only willing to wait a couple hours. So 2pm Friday, Mike made his way to the AT&T store on Beach Blvd. I was not waiting in the sun with him so I went to get my hair done. Three hours later, that's how long it takes to get highlights and a cut from my hairstylist, I called Mike to find out he was number 26 in line.
Mike then proceeded to tell me about his friend Nate,, who waited in line to find the store only had 15 phones to sell. Nate along with many other pissed off Apple fans made their way to the Apple store where they were greeted with open arms to the phone and entertainment.
This is insane, not only were there people camping out for this phone, there were people willing to pay thousands of dollars to have this phone. The second guy in line sold his spot for $850. That meant the guy who bought his spot paid $850 for the spot and then $599 for the phone. Another guy sold his spot on Craigs list and was holding a sign for the guy to get in line in his place. Is it that important to be one of the first people to get this phone?!
In conclusion, Mike did get his phone. It is pretty impressive, although I think I'll wait a while till (1) my contract with Verizon is up, (2) the price of the phone goes down ($499, $599), (3) its faster and has more memory and (4) apple works out any kinks it may have. But for anyone who has the money and likes Macs, this is definitely an innovative phone that does not affect your monthy fee (too much).