Monday, March 23, 2009

6 ear infections in one year...too much?

They told us Kayla would get sick often when she entered into Preschool. But 6 ear infections in one year! Geesh!

Ear infections were commonplace with Kayla when she started day care. We had a feeling they were a little too frequent. The last time I took Kayla in she had an ear infection and the doctor mentioned the next ear infection may warrant tubes. This was a week ago Thursday. The doctor placed Kayla on antibiotics and she finished those on Monday. I made an appointment for a follow up today. On Saturday she got a little sniffle, then yesterday she had no appetite. Today my mom took her to her appointment to find out her right hear was engorged/infected while her left ear was starting a little infection itself. The doctor decided to take serious action and gave Kayla two shots full of antibiotics while prescribing her Omnicef as well. She also let my mom know she would be calling with a referral for an ear, nose, and throat doctor. So, now we have to take Kayla in for a consultation for the possibility of tubes.

I guess this is happening at a pretty good time. My mom is home and I'll be home in a month or so. The doctor said we could wait until Riley is here before taking any action. But, when it rains it pours. I blame Mike for this because he had tubes twice when he was a kid. I'm at the point where if tubes will help so Kayla won't get sick as often then I am all for it!

Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Robin said...

oh no! poor girl! thank goodness you'll have some help. I hear the tubes help a lot though!
and ya'll have a name picked out?? cool!