Its apparent that Mike and I have definitely influenced Kayla's interests.
Kayla likes the Dodgers (although I would rather she like the Angels), the Lakers, and the Kings (although I would rather she like the Ducks). She loves to watch baseball and hockey. She's warming up to basketball. AND she can hit a moving baseball. She is a toddler true to form though because although she loves going to watch the games, we can always count on her to want to leave sometime around the end of the first period or fifth inning. "Mommy I wanna go!" We can usually convince her to stay a little longer, but we'll here those four words every couple minutes. I guess we can just be thankful that she enjoys going to the games or else we would have to find a sitter every time we want to go to a game.
We decided to go to the Kings game on Valentine's Day and she had a great time. Its nice that she is starting to understand the games and what everything means. Although at the same time, not so nice since the game broke out in three fights on Saturday. At least we were able to explain the fights and she knows fights are only ok during hockey. I just hope she really understands.
man, those guys are super excited behind Mike & Kayla! Maybe you guys should go for the last 1/2 of the game instead of the beginning? but at least you don't have to deal with traffic if you leave early!
"fights are only okay during hockey". LOL.
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