Well, I'm seven months with only 2 more months to go. It can't come sooner. I'm back to being exhausted, uncomfortable and swollen. This pregnancy is definitely different from Kayla. I come home to wanting nothing but sleep. Unfortunately that is not an option since Kayla is a ball of energy. This time my legs and feet are swollen by the time I get home, to point where I don't want to stand. I can't get comfortable to save my life. The only position that I find comfortable is laying in bed with a pillow between my knees. I'm trying my best not to use the body pillow since the last time it took over the entire bed. I get mean acid reflux at all times of the day. It doesn't even have to be right after a meal. I have to carry around tums or gum at all times. It's almost like being nauseous again.
On the other hand, this pregnancy is just like Kayla. I have a lot of difficulty breathing, he feels like he is up in my ribs, and I have stopped having a lot of back pain.
I've been feeling the Braxton Hicks Contractions on a daily basis. They are not comfortable, but luckily they only come one or two at a time.
I am worried about going into labor this time. Last time I was induced so I'm not even sure what it really feels like. Plus, Mike works out in Marina del Rey and the last thing I want is for him to miss it due to traffic. I'm on my feet more often than the last time so I hope I won't go into labor really early, like during class.
We're down to the home stretch. Let the countdown begin. 9 weeks to go.