So, I woke up at 4:15am and surprisingly it was easier than I thought. Probably because I was more anxious then I was dreading it. I was determined to get all our xmas shopping done that day. So, I kissed Mike goodbye and drove to the Lakewood mall. I got to the mall by 4:45am and was shocked that the parking lot was already half full. My first stop was Macys but as I entered the mall, I noticed many stores were open including the disney store. It looked like chaos, but I decided "what the heck" I'll check it out. Oh my gosh it was like discounts galore. I was able to get about $150 worth of stuff for $60. I was so excited and the line to check out was only 15 minutes. Not bad.
After Disney I made my way to Macys to buy my mother-in-law some earrings. That line took forever but I finally made it through. By the time I finished at Macys I had about 20 minutes to walk my way to Target. When I got there I noticed a ton of people waiting. 6am hit and the doors were not opening. We noticed people were already in the store so I decided to hit the side door and go out to the other entrance. Bingo it was open! I was able to get a bunch of toys and such. The lines weren't bad at all.
By this time, I was super tired. I hadn't had anything to eat or drink yet so the blood sugar was definitely low. But, I had one more store to go to before I could call it a day. I made a trip to the car to drop off my stuff. I walked outside to find the parking lot completely full and other cars lined up to park. I had to give the "I'm not leaving wave" and headed back into the mall. I walked into Bed Bath and Beyond and bought the last gift for Gary.
It was 7:45am and Mike and Kayla were up and Kayla was asking for me. Good thing I was done. I picked up some Starbucks for breakfast and headed home. We all ate breakfast and then made our second trip out, now that everyone was awake. It felt like 11am but it was only 9am when we made our way to Marukai. After Marukai, Mike wanted to go to Universal City Walk to the Team LA Store and the Dodger Store. So we walked around Universal City Walk, had lunch and headed home.
We got home by 1pm and I was done for the day. But I will say I was able to finish all my xmas shopping (with the exception of Chuck and Danielle). In one day! And I had a great time doing it! I'm definitely doing this again next year. Does anyone want to join me? Maybe some moms can get together for this while their husbands sleep and take care of the kids. Just let me know.